To successfully complete them, you will have to figure out what to do and carefully execute your actions. It may seem to be a little bit excessive, but you will feel that it brings more challenge and weight to each mission. Each assignment comprises several smaller objectives, but keep in mind that you cannot save the game in the middle of a mission and that death will make you start the current mission from the beginning. A challenging experience: Project I.G.I's experience has been designed as composed of 14 missions in different and varied environments.You will have to gracefully mix your stealth and combat skills, plan many actions in advance, and outsmart all your enemies. The game is well-balanced and offers realistic gadgets and weapons systems that make the whole experience rewarding but demanding at some point. In Project I.G.I, you will face new challenges and think twice before acting if you want to complete your missions.

As a British freelance secret agent, you will have to infiltrate military camps to find intel's and complete objectives.

You can play this game on Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and 10.

, #IGI 2, #Project IGI, #project igi 2, #project igi 3, #project igi gameĭ – Project IGI 4 is the latest version of in this series.Project IGI 4 is an action and shooting game.It is very easy to play.You can easily Download this game for PC and XBOX.