Things get more complicated when Nero starts coming across Hellgates spitting out demons across the island and the more sinister elements of the Order he's working for. The resulting events ensue as Nero is tasked by Credo, Kyrie's brother and a high-ranking official of the church of the Order of the Sword, to chase down Dante and make him answer for his crime. Some time after DMC3, 1, and 2 (in that order), on the island nation of Fortuna, a young man with a demonic right arm named Nero is attending a religious service where his childhood friend Kyrie is performing when infamous devil slayer Dante crashes through the ceiling and shoots the sermonizing chief priest right in the head.

The game is the third Numbered Sequel in the Devil May Cry series after 2005's Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening. Devil May Cry 4 is a Stylish Action Hack and Slash game developed by Capcom for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC, originally released in February (the consoles) and June (PC) 2008.